That You May Live:
How the 10 Commandments Lead to Human Freedom
After setting the people of Israel free from bondage in Egypt, God spoke Ten Words to promote and protect the freedom of His people. Ten words that were crucial in forming Israel’s identity as a newly liberated nation, rescued from slavery in Egypt, breathing the fresh air of freedom for the first time. Today these Ten Words are famously known as the Ten Commandments.

In a day of increasing moral ambiguity and uncertainty, in the midst of the cacophony of differing voices and differing visions of the good life, these Ten Words are an invitation into a life of true human flourishing
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Ephesians: The Wonder and Walk of Being Alive in Christ

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Join Dr. Darrell W. Johnson as he looks at Paul's letter to the Ephesian Church through a new lens. Darrell's faithful exposition of this ancient, but deeply relevant text invites all who read it into the wonder and walk of being alive in Christ.
In Discipleship on the Edge, Darrell W. Johnson drives home the challenging and practical message of Revelation in thirty carefully crafted sermons. Paying careful attention to the original context of Revelation and the circumstances surrounding its composition, Johnson shows that the book is not a "crystal ball" but rather a "discipleship manual." Thoroughly researched and yet accessible, this collection of sermons is a helpful resource for pastors and small group leaders who are looking for models to help them preach and teach the message of Revelation in a time when there is much confusion about the end times.
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Discipleship on the Edge Darrell Johnson
Discipleship on the Edge: An Expository Journey through the Book of Revelation

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Revelation is probably the most read, but least understood book of the Bible. History is replete with examples of how not to interpret it, and books featuring end-of-world prophecy claims based on Revelation consistently top the bestseller lists. But how can the message of such an enigmatic book be applied to our lives today?

Readers of the book will find freedom and encouragement as they understand that in these famous words Jesus is simply describing what He is doing in the people that He calls to Himself. The eight "blessed are" Jesus speaks from a Galilean mountain are probably the most well-known of all His sayings. Rightly understood, they turn the world up-side down!

The good news of Jesus is that the long-awaited kingdom of God is breaking into the world - God is breaking into our brokenness to heal and restore. In His Beatitudes, Jesus is painting a picture of those in whom God's kingdom is breaking in - those being transformed by Him and His good news. As people steep themselves in these words, they will discover the joy of being brought into alignment with God's re-creating rule.
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The Beatitudes Darrell Johnson
The Beatitudes

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The Beatitudes found in Matthew 5:1-12 have often been experienced as either frustrating idealism or oppressive legalism. This book will show that they are neither. They are the result of Jesus and His gospel getting a hold on us!
Readers of the book will find freedom and encouragement as they understand that in these famous words Jesus is simply describing what He is doing in the people that He calls to Himself. The eight "blessed are" Jesus speaks from a Galilean mountain are probably the most well-known of all His sayings. Rightly understood, they turn the world up-side down!

The good news of Jesus is that the long-awaited kingdom of God is breaking into the world - God is breaking into our brokenness to heal and restore. In His Beatitudes, Jesus is painting a picture of those in whom God's kingdom is breaking in - those being transformed by Him and His good news. As people steep themselves in these words, they will discover the joy of being brought into alignment with God's re-creating rule.

In Experiencing the Trinity, Darrell Johnson shows that this doctrine is not only at the heart of biblical Christianity, but that it is also at the center of Christian experience.
In eight stirring meditations, Darrell Johnson shows how the Lord’s Prayer sums up the essence of Christian faith and, when prayed in faith, draws us into draws us into the Triune God’s work of transforming the world.`
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Experiencing The Trinity
Experiencing The Trinity

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For many people the doctrine of the Trinity is a hopeless puzzle, a outdated philosophical idea far removed from everyday life. What does it all mean? And how can something so mysterious possibly make a difference in our everyday lives?
In Experiencing the Trinity, Darrell Johnson shows that this doctrine is not only at the heart of biblical Christianity, but that it is also at the center of Christian experience.
In eight stirring meditations, Darrell Johnson shows how the Lord’s Prayer sums up the essence of Christian faith and, when prayed in faith, draws us into draws us into the Triune God’s work of transforming the world.`
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57 Words That Change the World
Fifty-Seven Words That Change The World

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A mere fifty-seven words in the original Greek, the Lord’s Prayer gathers up all of life and brings it before God. In eight stirring meditations, Darrell Johnson shows how the Lord’s Prayer sums up the essence of Christian faith and, when prayed in faith, draws us into the Triune God’s work of transforming the world.
He dynamically unpacks the link between the human task of speaking to a congregation and the real, gracious action and presence of the living Christ in and through our proclamation.

Johnson assists preachers to profoundly engage the biblical text and then liberates them to make use of their own personality, gifts and abilities as they communicate that message.

This book is for any pastor or student who wants to cultivate a deeper pulpit approach, one that participates in the transforming mystery of God working through our less-than-perfect proclamation. Here is a solid foundation for preaching the good news as if God was living, Jesus was resurrected and the Holy Spirit was faithfully at work among us.
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The Glory of Preaching: Participating in God's Transformation of the World
The Glory of Preaching: Participating in God's Transformation of the World

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In these pages you will find a vision of preaching that is both illuminating and inspiring. Drawing from biblical and theological resources as well as years in the pulpit, Darrell Johnson takes us far beyond the mere mechanics of delivering sermons.
He dynamically unpacks the link between the human task of speaking to a congregation and the real, gracious action and presence of the living Christ in and through our proclamation.

Johnson assists preachers to profoundly engage the biblical text and then liberates them to make use of their own personality, gifts and abilities as they communicate that message.

This book is for any pastor or student who wants to cultivate a deeper pulpit approach, one that participates in the transforming mystery of God working through our less-than-perfect proclamation. Here is a solid foundation for preaching the good news as if God was living, Jesus was resurrected and the Holy Spirit was faithfully at work among us.

In this series of expositions, Darrell Johnson suggests that the first eleven chapters of Genesis (what he and others maintain constitute the "first half" of the Bible) help make sense of all our other stories, for they speak to the fundamental questions we ask in every age. When we inhabit the story (stories) of Genesis 1-11, Johnson further suggests, we come to realize just how good the good news of Jesus Christ is in the "second half" of the Bible.
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The Story That Makes Sense Of Our Stories

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The most basic and natural way we seek to understand who we are, where we are, what is wrong with us (especially why we die), and how we can be restored is by telling stories. Every culture in every era in every part of the world has a story or stories by which people navigate the mystery of being human on earth.
In this series of expositions, Darrell Johnson suggests that the first eleven chapters of Genesis (what he and others maintain constitute the "first half" of the Bible) help make sense of all our other stories, for they speak to the fundamental questions we ask in every age. When we inhabit the story (stories) of Genesis 1-11, Johnson further suggests, we come to realize just how good the good news of Jesus Christ is in the "second half" of the Bibl
Drawing on years of teaching and preaching experience and weaving insightful stories from his own ministry, Johnson guides readers through selected passages of Scripture in order to paint a portrait of Jesus that is both contemporary and timeless.
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Who is Jesus?
Who Is Jesus?

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In this compelling and informative new book, trusted author and pastor Rev. Darrell W. Johnson explores how the New Testament answers life's most important question: Who is Jesus?

Drawing on years of teaching and preaching experience and weaving insightful stories from his own ministry, Johnson guides readers through selected passages of Scripture in order to paint a portrait of Jesus that is both contemporary and timeles
Indeed, they have claimed that in the cross event God has actually "saved the world." But how could a single man's execution centuries ago have anything to do with us in the twenty-first century? In these meditations, Darrell Johnson probes the mystery and majesty of the cross, exploring it from various angles and illuminating this core belief of Christian faith in its multiple dimensions.
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It Is Finished
It Is Finished

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Nearly two thousand years ago, a young Jewish rabbi known as Jesus of Nazareth was nailed to wooden beams and hoisted above the skyline of the city of Jerusalem. Christians ever since have proclaimed that this event, symbolized by the cross, lies at the very center of their faith.
Indeed, they have claimed that in the cross event God has actually "saved the world." But how could a single man's execution centuries ago have anything to do with us in the twenty-first century? In these meditations, Darrell Johnson probes the mystery and majesty of the cross, exploring it from various angles and illuminating this core belief of Christian faith in its multiple dimensions
People are amazed and begin to bring to Jesus friends and neighbors in all kinds of need. And he heals them!

This book is a collection of Darrell Johnson's sermons on Jesus' deeds in Matthew 8-9. In each sermon he seeks both to understand what Matthew claims Jesus did and grapple with what it means for us two thousand years later.
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Jesus the Healer
Jesus The Healer

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We read about Jesus and his work all over the pages of the four Gospels in the New Testament. But we especially read about Him putting things together again in the Gospel according to Matthew. Matthew, the tax collector turned evangelist, records ten examples of Jesus entering into our brokenness and bringing about substantive levels of healing.

People are amazed and begin to bring to Jesus friends and neighbors in all kinds of need. And he heals them!

This book is a collection of Darrell Johnson's sermons on Jesus' deeds in Matthew 8-9. In each sermon he seeks both to understand what Matthew claims Jesus did and grapple with what it means for us two thousand years later.
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