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3 | God's Aching Visionaries (Matthew 5:3-12)

People In Sync | Week 3 | In part three of People in Sync, Darrell's sermon series on the beatitudes, he clarifies one of the more difficult statements made by Jesus, “Blessed are those who are mourning.” How can those in a state of mourning see themselves as fortunate? Darrell helpfully reframes these mourners as “God’s aching visionaries,” those who look to Christ and see what can be and grieve about what is. Not only does this beatitude permit us to grieve, but it reminds us that as we open ourselves up to grief, we find ourselves strangely comforted because God’s comfort is with us.
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People In Sync | Week 3 | In part three of People in Sync, Darrell's sermon series on the beatitudes, he clarifies one of the more difficult statements made by Jesus, “Blessed are those who are mourning.” How can those in a state of mourning see themselves as fortunate? Darrell helpfully reframes these mourners as “God’s aching visionaries,” those who look to Christ and see what can be and grieve about what is. Not only does this beatitude permit us to grieve, but it reminds us that as we open ourselves up to grief, we find ourselves strangely comforted because God’s comfort is with us.
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